Thursday, February 2, 2012

What Can Make Me Feel This Way...


Lila Pearl.

Today is the last day you are TWO.

Did you know I would give every penny I had for you to stay this age? Did you also know that I don't have a lot of pennies because I don't technically have a paying gig, but nonetheless, that I would give every penny daddy makes?

Did you know that daddy and I would have 10 more girls if we were certain they would all turn out as great as you?

But I can't because:
a.) it doesn't work that way,
b.) your daddy won't let me.
He tells me it's going to be fun to watch your grow up. But I sure am going to miss these days.

It's kinda weird that the chick I want to be when I grow up is the girl you already are at 2 years old.

Sis, you are hi-larious, trusting, creative, outgoing, self-confident, beautiful, caring, spunky, smart, curious, and completely unaffected by others opinions. I pray, no I seriously pray all the time, that these are the qualities that you will retain throughout all the turbulent times that life brings.

Because you are the coolest chick ever.

We are buddies.
You remind dad + Linc all the time that 'We are the girlz!'
And we sit on the 'girls side' of the car.

I'm gonna spend the next 24 hours reflecting on how awesome our lives became when we became your parents 3 years ago.


  1. Where does the time? Amazing job, B and K. These two awesome children truly are the best of you both and your commitment to the Lord, to these "turds", and to each other. Love you all!

  2. Lila, You are the sweetest most precious little girl and you warm my heart!!! Your pretty eyes and beautiful smile are amazing..You are such a little cuddler and care so much for everyone and all your animals and baby dolls. It is fun to watch that little nuturing side of you, even with Buddy as he tackles you....We are so thankful to your Daddy and Mommy and God for bringing you into our world 3 years ago..We love you..Nan & Papa Swish
