Thursday, February 23, 2012


*I've set a goal to read 30 books this year. I will finish number 7 tonight. Do you have a book recommendation? Let me know. I'm looking to revisit a classic or two next.

*The twins are all about the random 'I Love You' right now. For the love, it just gets better. Also I have heard that 'I'm the best mom' and that I make a 'great dinner' every night. What's that? Oh yeah, my heart just exploded.

*To PRE or not to PRE. That is the question around here. (Preschool that is.) Up until the beginning of this month, I was just about 100 percent sure that we would enroll them for the fall 3 year-old class. And now, well I'm about 90 percent sure I won't. Never been known for my decisiveness folks!

*I can't get enough hot tea around here. Morning and night. It's just so yum.

*I drive B nuts because I will go to store just because I'm out of carrots for the wild bunnies I feed. I just love those things so dang much. And how do the bunnies repay me? Well they just had all their babies in the neighbors yard. I feel used.

*There are about 15 random toys spread all over the floor here right now. And I just want to leave them for the night. And I wish I could. But I'm my mother's child and I can't, I have to clean it all up. But sometimes, sometimes I wish I could.

*Someday I will own really nice, expensive silverware. The super heavy kind. I have a cheap set from Bed, Bath + Beyond from our wedding 11 years ago. And it's fine. But someday, I want the grown up kind. And a Le Creuset dutch oven while we are at it. And a Michael Kors watch. And a nice wallet. Let's just stop this before it gets ridiculous.

*What you won't catch a former Krug-girl wearing this spring/summer? TOMS flats. Why you ask??? Because they are freaking 80 bucks! For flats! I mean I love TOMS, we own several pairs, and I really love their buy one give one philosophy. But for 80 bucks? It seems more like buy one, give 3 would be more realistic. Also, everyone and their sister will be wearing them. (Except me and mine of course.)

*Thank goodness it's almost March because
1.)March Madness
2.) Mad Men.

In the words of Lila, YAHOO!

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