Thursday, February 2, 2012



Once upon a time, when I was growing up, all I ever wanted was boys. I'm not quite sure why, I just loved little dudes.

And then God gave us you!
And you did not disappoint because you are one rad dude.

When you were born, you were all kinds of precious.
After babies are born, they lose a bit of weight, and since you were only 5 1/2 lbs to begin looked like a little old man.
Daddy called you Benjamin Buttons.
And I would say, 'Lila, you are so beautiful and Lincoln, your mama loves you!'
You were so alert. I'm talking about from even moments after you were born. You were listening to my voice. I told the nurses they could do the hearing test on sis, but I was certain your ears worked just fine. Somehow your big, beautiful eyes gave me the reassurance I needed when I became your mother. Instead of me freaking the freak about becoming the mother of twins, your calmness just made me feel a sense of peace.

Sometimes your remind of what I think daddy would've been like as a boy.
And it makes me love him and you deeper.

Sometimes you get in trouble for being a rascal.
Do you wanna know a secret?
I always hoped my boy would be a bit of rascal.
It's part of what makes you so much fun.
You'll continue to get in trouble for it, and I'll continue to secretly love that about you.
You are strong, bright, curious, determined, kind, respectful, honest, hard-working, imaginative, funny, tricky and wise.

You are the very best parts of daddy + I....but you are more even than that.

You are you.
Lincoln Scott.
Our boy.

I'm gonna spend the next 24 hours thanking my lucky stars that I get to be your mama.


  1. Lincoln, You are a very special little guy and we couldn't imagine life without you...You do remind me so much of your Daddy, that little sparkle in your eye and your contagious laugh are amazing!!! and...your """weeeeelllll I think Maaaaybe" reminds me exactly of your Daddy at this age..Can't believe it's been 3 yrs.already..We Love You Buddy..Nan & Papa Swish

  2. Have I told you that I just love the way you write! you just have that perfect way of putting feelings into words. you should really think of maybe writing a parenting book or something like that. I'll buy your book! Give those adorable kids a hug and kiss from the Carlsons and we hope they have a very nice b-day......

