Thursday, February 11, 2010

She's Walking!!!

Oh did I forget to tell you??? Our baby doll has been taking steps for several weeks. First 2, then 4, then 6 all the way up to 15. But it was just steps, and it was mostly the 'Walk-to-mama' kind of steps. The past week we have seen Miss Pearl shuffling to get to places she wants to be. Well in the past 24 hours it happened. Full-on happened people! Our sweet baby girl is walking! From room to room, from toy to toy. I don't how it all changed over the last 24 hours, but it has. We didn't think this girl could be more adorable, but seeing her walking around--so proud of herself--she absolutely has!


  1. Amazing! Didn't I just see her? I should have stayed and then I could have seen Lila walking. So exciting! And you have excitement x2 for every milestone. Fun times!

  2. Can't wait to see her strutting around!!!Does Linc seem interested????? Here comes trouble!!! Nanny S
