Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Swisher Declaration

But as for me and my house,


(Also Mom, we will serve the Lord. Obviously.)

Seriously. For Reals. End of story. Yo and Word.

We are a pretty healthy-eating family. Not too extreme, just really healthy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a snob about it. For example, I love french fries. Always have, always will. I especially like, get ready for it, McDonalds fries. I would choose fries over dessert any day of the week. I just choose to hardly ever eat them.

And once upon a time I used to love to eat an occasional hot dog. Usually at a Mariners game or a barbecued wiener over a camp fire with our buds the Marcus'. But about five years ago, they started grossing me right out. And then when I got pregs, forget it! I was just over them. And I haven't had one since. And I haven't fed them to my kids until...

...this weekend.

We were at family BBQ and hot dogs and hamburgers were offered. I thought, what the hey, it's a special occasion, I'll give them a hot dog. I had one too.

On the ride home I told B, I had a feeling I was gonna pay for eating that dog.

Lincoln woke up in the middle of the night in all-out Barf City. He has not puked once in his little life, but this time more than made up for it. All over his bed, jammies, hair, blanket, face, neck, etc. And he kept crying, 'Mama, I can't like hot dogs.' and 'Hot dogs are icky.'

Now as bad a hot dogs smell coming out of the package, let me attest that they smell approximately 10 million times worse upon regurgitation.

Long story long, the next day it was my turn. Lost several pounds in 24 hours. I didn't even chuck that much when I was pregnant. It was horrid. And all kids of wrong.

All of this leading to, my previous enforced, and now reinforced ban of the dog .

'No hot dogs for you.' (In my Seinfeld voice.)

Not in this house. Nope.

And Lincoln agrees.


  1. Oh gosh...that is terrible. Once those images and news stories came out about hot dogs...they have never tasted the same and I rarely eat them. So glad you guys are feeling better. Maybe you can go eat some McDonald's fries to put on that weight you lost fast! : )

  2. ugh. I feel for you. ok, ok, ok, can I tell you one of our Top Abbett Kid Stories to Tell When The Kids Ask for Stories About Themselves? Ben was little --3 or 4 maybe -- and he threw up at night in the bathroom (phew!) Dave had helped him and wen Ben was all done, he looked up all pathetic like and said (in some sort of southern drawl that came outta left field), "Daddy, I think I ate some bugs." Precious, precious. precious.

    **No bugs were hurt in the making of this story.**

    I just love your blog. It makes me happy!

  3. ick, ick, ick. hot dogs are nasty going in, can't imagine coming back up.

    our experience like this one was with PEAS. so gross.
