Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Counting Our Blessings...Again

So do you all remember when the Pearl got sick in Cali??? Well our pediatrician wanted us to do some follow-up testing to make sure she was all good for the future. Sounds fairly easy right? Wrong. The testing had two parts--1.)ultrasound + 2.)an internal exam to check her kidney and bladder function. I took Miss Pearl to this fun-tastic 3 hour appointment, and I have to say, she did super. She cried, really hard for most of those 3 hours. She was red, sweaty and her hair was soaked with her sweet tears. I mean drenched! But she stayed on her back for both procedures and didn't need to be restrained THANK GOD. I whispered to her, sang to her and rubbed her sweaty little head. After it was all over, and I was able to calm down a bit, I was able to reflect, once again, how thankful I am for two healthy little turds. Our miracle babies. I just can't imagine having a sick child. Breaks my heart to think about it.

We got the all-clear from the doc today. Lila is perfectly healthy, and her insides look great. Her infection in Cali was just a fluke. B + I were verrrry happy to hear that!

In the waiting room:
Starting to wonder what exactly is going on here:


  1. Praise God for the all clear!!! Sorry she had to go thru that but thankful for the good report!!!!! Nanny Swish

  2. HURRRAAAAYYYYY!!!!! Counting those blessings with you!

  3. You knew it girl! Love that mom intuition thing! SO glad that Lila is healthy! ~Beth

  4. Oh man, did she have to have a catheter put in? Gabi had 2 UTI's and the Dr. wanted her to go get everything checked out with a procedure like that, and it was so sad. She's old enough to know strangers shouldn't be touching her down there, and it hurt to boot. Plus, she's been taught not to pee anywhere but the toilet, so unfortunately the test didn't even work, because she refused to pee on the table under the x-ray. it was heart wrenching for me to watch, and so dreadful for her. Thankfully we haven't had any more illness. Poor little Lila, and poor you. So glad to hear she's healthy though.
