Thursday, November 18, 2010

Trash Truck

You know what is cooler than Santa Claus??? The trash truck! At least in our little family right now. We look for trash trucks everywhere we go. Our trash guy comes so freaking early here that most often we miss it. But this week, this week was OUR week. He must have been running 7:05 in the AM late. (Ridiculous right?!) And first we heard him coming, and then we saw him pick up our trash, and then all of the angels in heaven sang. It was a good morning in Casa Swish that's for sure.

ALSO!!! At on our weekly library visit I found a DVD about trash trucks. I could've said we were having ice cream for dinner and I don't think the turds would have been more excited. We have watched it numerous times this week and it is pretty silent in our house as they learn about how the trucks are made, what they do, how to recycle and all about landfills. Simply awesome!




  1. So funny. I love that Jez is watching too and not barking! It's almost like you have 3 children right?

  2. It's so nice. Even the dog loves to watch a garbage truck how the garbage truck pick up the trush.

  3. We have one too that I would be glad to let you borrow. :)

  4. I love seeing the dog as excited and expectant as the twins! My boys -- even at 11 -- can be stopped cold in their tracks when the trash truck comes. I think it is a long term fascination.
