Thursday, January 14, 2010

When Daddy's Away, We Will Play

Lila, Lincoln + I survived. Brian has been away all week for business, and it was all-me and only-me for the first time since they were born. Brian has had plenty of business trips this past year, but I have always had someone stay with me to lighten the load. (Thanks Mom + Kelley!) So yes, I'm pooped. We had a blast. We missed Daddy. Mostly though, we are happy to be Swishx4 once again.

So what exactly did we do when Daddy was gone...

Mama lets us crawl all over boxes and make forts. (Thank you

We get to play in Jezzy's crate. (Daddy hates this!)

Mama buys me new shirts!

We eat lots of avocados...

...and we get to eat with our shirts off.

Ok, we get to hang out a lot with our shirts off.

Mama does tub time. YIKES!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone had fun and you survived!!!Great job Mamma!!!!Bet Brian is glad to be home too...He probably missed all of you!!!!
