Sunday, October 4, 2009

8 Months

Lila + Lincoln are now 8 months old. Time continues to mystify me with how quickly it passes, but these two are keeping us quite busy and entertained.

Lila is S.W.E.E.T! She is a girl with 1000 smiles. She has her coy smile, her happy smile, her shy smile, her mommy smile, her daddy smile, her Jezzy smile, her Lincoln smile, her silly smile, paci-still-in-the-mouth smile and on and on. We love every one!!! She loves music, singing and dancing with her mama. She can scream loud and be quite the chatterbox one minute and sit quietly and contently the next. Such a chick. She is strong on her tummy, scoots all around and continues to chow down like a champ. Sweet Lila Pearl.

Lincoln is a beast. He is such a dude and he is into everything. He wants what is across the room, what is in daddy's hands, what is hidden behind mama's back, what Lila is holding, etc. He wakes up with a smile and is always ready to go. He is becoming sooooo strong and pulls up on anything and everything. He loves to sit up in his crib at naptime so he doesn't have to sleep. This boy's laugh, well you just have to hear it and you'll be in love.

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo Cute, those two are growing so quickly!!Pretty soon you will have two sitting up or standing up at naptime not wanting to sleep!!!!
