Thursday, October 22, 2009


Finally I got to do this at Costco... (NO CAR SEATS)
And why is this a big deal you may ask? BECAUSE my normal run to the grocery store goes like this.
1. Forget parking close to the front of the store, I have to park close to a cart. And it can't be a cart with a cup holder either. Those carts don't fit the load I have. Learned that the hard way!
2. Grab the cart and unload baby #1, who is in the carseat, into the bucket of the cart.
3. Get baby #2 and put on the top of the cart.
4. Now I have 40+ pounds already in the cart and here we go...
5. Jam as many groceries as I can in and around the babies. Sometimes I have to hold an additional basket and push the load to make sure I can get it all. Once I even pushed the cart with the babies and pulled another one behind me.
6. Let the unloading begin. First to the car, and five minutes later into my house.

Yeah, it is exhausting, but it's getting better!


  1. you're a good mom. i would totally wait until Saturdays or evenings to do to Costco. ;)

  2. Seriously- a huge miles stone!!!! Shopping here you come! - Jemi

  3. Training them early..... shopping is FUN:):):)

  4. Thats a great accomplishment!!!! Thank goodness they are staying in the cart.LINC LOOKS LIKE HE IS READY FOR ACTION, WHILE lILA REMAINS CALM AS EVER!!!!mom S

  5. That is so posted this around the day that I decided I would not ever do Costco on my own. I used the double stroller and my mom pushed a cart and I was still exhausted. I am proud of you for conquering Costco without anyone there are a brave brave soul!!

    Great pic! They look like they are just as excited as you to be in the front seat together! Again, hints that it gets so much easier!!
