Friday, July 22, 2011


*Lila says 'Holy Moses' all the time. Wonder where she learned that. {Ahem.}

*Poop is hysterical. Already?!? And fart noises too. So that's awesome.

*Lincoln tells us, 'That's my answer!' Alrighty then.

*Dinner conversation between a husband + wife:
Me: Do you ever feel like you're losing the battle and the war???
Him: Everyday

*Lila cries every time my hair is down. 'Please put it in a pony mama.' Is it that bad girl???

*We now answer no thank you when we don't want something. I WIN!

*The twins love working outside. They are super helpers.

*Our kids eat broccoli, spinach, kale, salad, cauliflower, green beans, fish, mexican + SALSA, carrrots, bell peppers, lots of beans, steak, etc. Did you know me when I was growing up? I do not deserve this. Right mom?

*Our kids do not get juice. Ever. Because I'm a mean, awful mom.

*Lincoln + Lila let Jezebelle in and out, switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer, help put the dishes away AND always must put the silverware alway 'by myself', clean up their toys before bed and water the flowers.

Two is awesome.
Two is exhausting.
Two is rewarding.
Two is hard work.
Two is the very, very best!
I'm so blessed to spend my day with these 2 turds.

*My girl Willow took this pic of us for Mother's Day. She is awesome.


  1. YOUR two are the very, very best:):):)

  2. We love your updates and how you give us a glimpse of daily life with twins. Can't believe that a girl that had VERY selective eating preferences has children that eat almost everything!!!
