Thursday, March 25, 2010

2 Are Better Than 1

If God would have asked me to go ahead and plan my life, I would have royally screwed it up. Sometimes, many times in fact, I think I need something now, perhaps a situation could change to accommodate my liking immediately, I could handle this situation but definitely not that get it. The Man Upstairs + His timing can be very perplexing to me no doubt--I have learned this over and over and over as an adult. I have also come to realize that the G.O.D. must think I am one strong chick because he has allowed to me to walk some incredibly bumpy roads. If you know me,you know.

Can I tell ya a little something??? I would have never chosen to have twins. I often, okay pretty much daily, run into ladies who tell me 'I always wanted twins!' Really??? Why??? I know twins are pretty adorable and all, but it is soooooo much work. Clearly they don't understand how much work it is.
Did I mention the work? I try my best not to immediately label these ladies as nut-jobs or whack-a-doos! My point is I am so glad God didn't leave me in charge of this decision. So very, very glad. I thought certainly 2 babies wouldn't fit in my body. I thought certainly I couldn't manage to raise 2 turds without my family close by to help. I just thought there is NO WAY. (Perhaps I am the nut-job/whack-a-doo.)

Twins rule. I'm so glad that my plate was filled a little fuller than I would have done on my own. I just love [almost] every single minute of having two babies, and now toddlers, at the same time. Love. Love. Love.

But Yo God, just so you know, someday if we are crazy enough to try for another adorable lil' Swish baby, I certainly COULD NOT handle another set of twins. K. Thanks.


  1. Well, you make having twins look easy! Yet, after spending a week with you, I am exhausted. I can how much work it is. You've worked hard to establish the routines and those babies are thriving. Strong chick? Yes, I would agree!

  2. God gave you the determined personality he knew you would need to take care of those 2...yes 2 amazing little blessings....and I must say you do it quite well!!!! There will still be bumps in the road but hold on tight to him...he will give you each days portion to get you the way, thanks for taking us along on some of the ride!!!! Mom S

  3. God is TOTALLLLY full of surprises! He just LOVES to bless us and amaze us by how we are able to do so much with His power in us.... really. AMAZING. You and B. are amazing. REALLY:):):)

  4. the Duggars called. they said just wait til you have 18 more...
