Thursday, August 16, 2012

Excuse Me While My Heart Explodes...

Tonight I tucked our children into bed listening to Little House in the Big Woods.  
I need a moment.

Alright.  I think I'm good.

It's just that my heart is bursting with pride that our kids, our THREE year olds, are intently 
listening to a piece of actual literature.  

There are dozens and dozens of books that I just can't wait to read with the twins someday.  
And this book was certainly on the list.
I used to read it to my kindergarten classes each year.

We have been listening to the story together during play times throughout the last couple of days, 
talking about the story, the characters, the woods....  

They love it.

I just adore books.  
Always have.  
And I'm just ever-so-proud to be sharing these kind of treasures 
and a love of reading with Lincoln + Lila.


  1. Hey Teach, pass a treasure or two our way!

  2. This post is exciting for dad and I to read. It made us reminisce about when he read, "The Little House in the Big Woods" to you guys. Now our hearts are exploding, too!

  3. This just made me teary eyed. I love all of the little house books and can't wait to read them to Liam! Beautiful memories. Love.
