Thursday, August 2, 2012 far!

Summer is exhausting.  And ever-so-fun.

Summer is so short here in the NW that we seem to jam-pack everything into a very small amount of time. 

Here are way too manysome pics from my iPhone.  After going through these, I now understand why I feel so spent.  

Summer is...
...collar popping...
...train riding...
...parade watching... bark...
...list making...
...lots of reading... big-kid! bikes...
...jam making...
...crashing... washing...
...playing with dad...
...the beach...
...sand castles...
...sunglass wearing...
...celebrating 11 years... 
...table making... 
...friends with cool slides...
...ballerina camp...
...superhero toys...
...big boys...
...california cousins...
...tubs full of dirt...
...air shows...

...hitching a ride..
...bunny whispering...

...birthday-ing... partying...

I mean, we are just barely into August right?!
Bring it!
I just love summer.


  1. This makes me want to jump on a plane and head to Gig Harbor right now!! So much fun. Love, love, love all the pics!

  2. This makes me want to jump on a plane and head to Gig Harbor right now!! So much fun. Love, love, love all the pics!

  3. Great much activity and FUN!!! Thanks for sharing, this Nanny and Papa love it!!! N&P Swish
