Tuesday, January 3, 2012

From the Mind of a 2 Year Old...

Yesterday, following A GAZILLION, several reminders to
'Please pick up his race cars', the following conversation occurred.

Me: 'Awwww buddy, when are ya gonna listen???'

Lincoln: 'Ummmm...probably on Fursday.'

*Fursday = Thursday


  1. oh my gosh...that is too cute! Don't you wish that Momma's came equipped with built-in video recorders ... so that we can capture these things and replay them later!!

  2. So cute. I hope for you he DOES start listening on Fursday.

  3. LOVE IT!!The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!!As his Dadda said when he was almost 3..Tilting his head to the side and raising his finger "I'm just going to do it one more time. OK" all the while going to do it one more time!!! Gotta love it..it puts the smile on our face to keep us cherishing those little stinkers!! Nan
