Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Checking In

We're baaackkk! We had an amazing 2 weeks in California. A. Maze. Ing. San Diego was what San Diego always is....perfect. It is definitely one of our favorite cities, so you can imagine how excited we were to introduce our little loves to a place we adore so much.

And then we got to hang out in Folsom with the fam. My sis and Lucca came over and we had a blast. These 3 totally-toddlers get along so well. Amazingly well. I could hear Coco wake up in the morning and start asking for Lila right away. A-dorable. We took our kids to Apple Hill, which is a can't-miss Sacramento fall tradition. It was what I hoped it would be...fabulous. It is definitely fulfulling creating new memories with my children, at the places in my hometown where my own childhood memories were made.

So now that we are back-- I'll be back to blah, blah, blogging regularly.

Where did all these kids come from???


  1. Such wonderful photos Karla! Lila has soo soo soooo much hair! Love the pig-tails! Looking forward to getting together soon.

  2. We have been missing your blogs. It was SOO much fun skyping with all of you while you were in Folsom. We are counting down the days until Thanksgiving!!! :) Love all the adorable pics.

  3. Welcome back! Those three are something else. Love 'em!

  4. AWESOME....FUN.....WONDERFUL MEMORIES!!!!!! Love you allllll
