Friday, April 17, 2009

The 1st Meeting

Last week our babies took their first flight down to Cali to meet their new cousin Lucca!  Brian and I had a plan at the really big at everyone in hopes that people would be super-friendly and accommodating.  Our plan worked to perfection and every aspect of our travels went smoothly.  We L.O.V.E the little Lucca-lady.

Grammie is in heaven!
The first meeting....and we fell in love!
Lucca in a Swisher sandwich...
We will live by each other...soon, very soon!


  1. you all look so happy! what a beautiful family!! i bet grammie deb was in heaven the whole time!!

  2. B E A U T I F U L!!!! ALLLL OF YOU REFLECTING YOUR JOY! lovin it!!!!! ~~~ slk/rhk
